Posts by Sunshine Editorial

Sunshine Editorial

Sunshine Editorial

Sunshine is a reputable egg donor agency with a comprehensive egg donation database and an innovative egg donation program. We are proud to have successfully conducted almost 6000 egg warmings, and we are intent on continuing our hard work so that we can help even more people realize their dream of having a baby. Our egg donation center works in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Russia and does its best to help you complete your family.

ivf laboratory and medication

Embryo Transfer Process for IVF – 5 Things To Know

Jan 15, 2019

While you may be feeling more than ready to move forward and have a transfer as soon as possible, it’s actually best to wait.
The longer an embryo has to develop, the more likely the embryologist will be able to select the highest quality to transfer.
It also allows time for preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) to screen for genetic abnormalities. A more viable blastocyst means a greater chance of surviving transfer and implantation.

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age for pregnancy

Best Age to Become a Parent – Am I Ever Too Old?

Jan 15, 2019

Well, nothing physical is ticking inside your body planning to ring when it is the best age to become a parent.
Nevertheless, there is an innate mechanism in your brain. The one orchestrates your physiological processes like growth, sleep, as well as reproduction.
For instance, the sleep-regulating circadian rhythm is a component of this innate mechanism. It helps your body to adjust well to the environment.

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facts about egg donation

How to Freeze Your Eggs? – the Procedure Details

Jan 14, 2019

Officially referred to as oocyte cryopreservation, egg freezing is a procedure during which a female’s eggs are extracted from the ovaries and frozen so that they can be used in the future whenever needed.
While previously this was viewed as an experiment, these days it is a reliable method of overcoming certain infertility issues.
What is more, the procedure of egg freezing hasn’t been labeled as investigational by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine since 2012.

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failed ivf what now - failure of IVF image

Failed IVF What Now? Embracing Success After Prior IVF Failures

Jan 11, 2019

We failed IVF what now? The answer to this question is enormously hard for some of us.
Many families struggling to conceive children have undergone repeated cycles of failed in vitro fertilization (IVF), leaving them pretty much convinced that nothing will ever work for them.
But, as they say, where there is life, there is hope. Sunshine has accumulated significant experience in helping families who have gone through unsuccessful IVF attempts at other reproductive clinics.

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ask a fertility expert online free

Ask a Fertility Expert Online for Free – 10 Essential Questions

Nov 20, 2018

At one point in your fertility journey, you should make a stressful, but important step – visit a fertility clinic.
The initial several appointments can be particularly intimidating because you do not know what to expect and must process large amounts of information provided to you.
It is essential to ask the right questions at your appointments but if you feel overwhelmed you will easily forget those questions. One trick is to prepare a list of questions prior to your appointments.

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pregnant lady

How to Choose Egg Donor – Tips for Future Parents

Oct 26, 2018

The ability to use the services of an egg donor came as a godsend for many women who have lost their fertility.
Many people are aware of the fact that the fertility of a woman begins to decline after she hits the mid-30s.
More and more women decide to build a family later in their life; unfortunately, unlike men, their fertility rapidly declines after a certain age and they are unable to have kids.

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What Affects Sperm Quality and How to Improve It?

Oct 24, 2018

The quality of sperm affects the possibility of conceiving the child.
That`s why many couples are eager to know what affects sperm quality and how to improve it.
Common bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle can greatly harm your sperm.
There are many factors that affect sperm quality. Sperm should have 50% or more healthy spermatozoa that have an oval head and a long tail.

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PCOS Syndrome – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Fertility

Oct 18, 2018

The most prominent symptoms of PCOS are irregular or missing periods and food cravings.
Since these symptoms are also present in a multitude of other disorders and easily dismissed as consequences of a stressful lifestyle or lack of sleep, PCOS often goes undiagnosed.
Modern medical science has not yet been able to discover the exact PCOS causes, but it is likely that they are rooted in genetics.

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how long does it take to donate eggs

How Long Does It Take to Donate Eggs?

Sep 17, 2018

You may have heard about egg donation – a cousin or a friend have mentioned an article they were reading – and you’ve decided to do some research as well.
After spending a few evenings digging for information online, you may have found that you are even more baffled than you were original.
No wonder! While the procedure of egg donation itself is not too complicated, it requires a basic understanding of the steps included – and what is being required from you as an egg donor.

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