Today, fallopian tubes blockage is one of the most common causes of female infertility. This condition does not allow the couple to have a baby in 20-25% of cases. The fallopian tubes’ obstruction creates conditions that are unfavorable for conception. It interferes with the movement of the egg. Considering that natural fertilization takes place in
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Viewers know Sarah as a great actress and style icon. Moreover, we admire a “Sex and the City” because she is a devoted wife and a good mother. Sarah’s kids are the most precious people she has, she treats them with care, and there is no wonder. In this post, we will speak about Sarah
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There are thousands of couples that, for many months and even years, are trying to become parents to no avail. Unfortunately, there are more and more cases of infertility. According to some reports, today, 10% of couples experience problems with conception. How to get pregnant fast? What to do if you have PCOS, endometriosis, or
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Leuprorelin is one of the most widely used IVF drugs. It is an agonist (analog) of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) that inhibits the estrogen and other sex hormones production during the IVF programs. In layman’s terms, it helps to take control of ovulation and oocyte production. In this article, we will explain how exactly leuprorelin IVF
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Both intended parents and egg donors take tons of IVF drugs during the programs. However, not always can one get an explanation and understand what all those injections do to their body. That`s why we decided to create a complete IVF medications list and show the meaning of each particular pill or injection.
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Assisted reproductive technologies help thousands of couples every year. However, every IVF success story has a person who is standing behind the scenes and donating eggs to support the intended parents. That’s why in this post, we want to share personal egg donor stories and show you what happens before a baby sees the light.
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Male and female infertility is a problem that is relevant throughout the world. According to statistics, every fifth couple faces the inability to conceive a child. Therefore, more than 50 million couples of reproductive age require the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Unfortunately, the number of infertile couples is growing every year. Luckily, modern fertility
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Egg Donor demand increases the supply. Therefore, many girls sell their eggs without knowing all egg donation pros and cons, as well as the consequences.
The price of the program is several thousand dollars. However, is the game worth the candle? Let’s figure it out.
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The transfer of embryos into the uterus is an essential part of the program. It defines whether the pregnancy starts or not. Therefore, most people get nervous and don’t know what to do during the IVF transfer day.
Let’s overview the process in detail and see what happens after the IVF transfer day by day to see that there is nothing what to worry about.
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