IVF & Egg Donation Blog

celebrities IVF featured

Celebrities Who Did IVF – Twin Babies, Surrogacy, Egg Donors

Apr 28, 2021

Every person’s dream is to create a full-fledged happy family. Despite this, people often face fertility issues. In this case, only mutual efforts and a strong desire to make their dreams come true help them overcome difficulties. Today we will share the inspiring stories of celebrities IVF. We hope this article will help you get

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PGS testing featured image

PGS Testing – Statistics, Success Rate, Results, and Risks

Apr 21, 2021

PGS testing (preimplantation genetic screening) is a type of congenital abnormalities detection in embryos before their transfer to the uterus. It consists of analyzing a set of chromosomes to detect anomalies that cause genetic diseases (Patau’s, Down’s syndrome, etc.) PGS reduces the likelihood of transferring an embryo that has chromosomal abnormalities into the uterus. It

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deminished ovarian reserve featured image

Diminished Ovarian Reserve – Causes, Diagnostics, Treatment

Mar 14, 2021

A low/diminished ovarian reserve means that a woman’s ovaries have few eggs that can reach maturity and fertilize. Each woman is born with a certain individual number of oocytes; this is the ovarian reserve. With each ovulation, there is a gradual reduction of this reserve. Still, in addition to the physiological one, there is also

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Kim Kardashian IVF, Pregnancies and Children

Kim Kardashian IVF, Pregnancies and Children – Star Family

Mar 8, 2021

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been married for over six years. It was the third marriage for Kim and the first for Kanye. Now the family has four kids. However, not all the fans know about the hard way they did and multiple unsuccessful attempts to become happy parents. Today we will talk about

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ERA test IVF main image

ERA Test IVF – How It Works, Cost, Success Rate, and Alternatives

Feb 21, 2021

ERA test IVF is the latest development in assisted reproductive technologies. The ERA test is a molecular genetic study of the endometrium. It allows determining the best moment for transferring the embryo into the uterine cavity during the IVF program. ERA helps to find a so-called implantation window – the time when the endometrium has

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ivf over 40 main image

IVF over 40 – Success Rates, Egg Quality, Donor Oocytes

Dec 27, 2020

Pregnancy after 40 is a common practice for modern women. People think about creating a family and having children, mainly at an older age, even though all reproductive specialists share the opinion that it is reasonable to give birth before 40 years. It equally applies to those who have not yet given birth and have

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ivf egg sharing featured

IVF Egg Sharing – Definition, Cost and Application Process

Aug 25, 2020

Each fifth couples have difficulties with conception. In 2020 about 1000000 babies were born using donated eggs, sperm, or embryos. Egg donation offers hope for some infertile people to have children of their own. However, IVF programs are not that affordable for most of the couples. Therefore, they have to collect a lot of money

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uterine fibroids and pregnancy

Uterine Fibroids and Pregnancy – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Aug 9, 2020

All women who have revealed this benign tumor are concerned about the effect of uterine fibroids on conception and pregnancy. Recently, the frequency of uterine fibroids detection during pregnancy has highly increased. Firstly, pregnancy after 30 y.o. has become more common. Secondly, there are better diagnostic methods. In particular, doctors widely use ultrasound and other

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pregnant after failed ivf

I Am Pregnant after Failed IVF – 10 Years of Tries and Final Win!

Jun 13, 2020

People say giving birth to a child is a simple matter. However, if some become parents quickly and naturally (often even beyond their will), others fall into despair from countless unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant. In this article, we will share a story of two people who tried all possible assisted reproduction techniques for 10

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