Hyperprolactinemia Infertility – How to Reduce Prolactin Level Naturally

Jan 7, 2025

Constant stress, poor nutrition, and a passive lifestyle are often the main causes of hormonal disorders. These factors have a broad impact on the lactogenic hormone prolactin. Its significant and systemic increase causes the pathology of hyperprolactinemia, which, without proper treatment, can lead to menstrual problems and infertility. 

Hyperprolactinemia Infertility - How to Reduce Prolactin Level Naturally Food

In this article, we’ll look at what prolactin is, what the symptoms of increased hormone levels are, and how to reduce prolactin levels naturally with food.

What Is Prolactin?

Let’s start with a definition. So, prolactin is a protein synthesized in a small part of the brain – the pituitary gland. This hormone is responsible for lactation and maintaining the functioning of the corpus luteum during pregnancy. In such conditions, we observe an increase in prolactin, which is absolutely normal.

Outside of pregnancy and lactation, levels directly depend on many factors. If the hormone is elevated, we can talk about hyperprolactinemia. It is worth noting that the diagnosis is made only if the level of the hormone remains elevated for several months and does not decrease. 

If the elevated level remains stable, this condition leads to menstrual irregularities and affects the functioning of the mammary glands. One of the consequences of hyperprolactinemia is the suppression of ovulation, which makes pregnancy impossible and is one of the most common causes of infertility.

High Prolactin Level Causes

It is important to distinguish between one-time elevated hormones and hyperprolactinemia syndrome. In the first case, the causes may be a stressful day or sudden physical exertion before the test. If it occurs systematically, we identify the following causes:

  • insufficient activity of the thyroid gland;
  • eating disorders, including anorexia;
  • unhealthy nutrition;
  • long stress or depressive states;
  • the presence of a benign pituitary tumor;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • liver diseases, such as liver failure;
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS);
  • irritation in the breast area or trauma to the mammary glands (it can even be irritation with a bra);
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • pathologies of the pituitary gland;
  • taking antidepressants, high blood pressure pills, painkillers, etc.

Hyperprolactinemia Symptoms

The first stages of the disease may be asymptomatic. However, suppose the condition remains unchanged for several months. In that case, women may experience a decrease in the amount of period discharge, an increase in the cycle to 35+ days, and the disappearance of menstruation altogether. In general, the syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • absence of menstruation for 3 or more months (amenorrhea);
  • short (no more than two days) and scanty periods;
  • prolonged menstrual cycle (more than 38 days);
  • ovulation disorders that cause infertility;
  • discharge of milk from the mammary glands;
  • increased breast size and tenderness;
  • decreased libido;

Metabolic disorders may manifest the syndrome. It has the following signs:

  • obesity;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • osteoporosis;
  • acne and the appearance of a large amount of body hair.

In some cases, psycho-emotional symptoms are observed:

  • fatigue;
  • emotional instability;
  • sleep disturbances.

Prolactin Levels

Here is a table with normal prolactin levels and how its decrease influences women’s health. 

Follicular PhaseBelow 23 µg/L
Luteal PhaseBelow 40 µg/L
Third Trimester of PregnancyUp to 400 µg/L
Above 25 ng/mLMenstrual cycle disorders
Above 50 ng/mLAmenorrhea
Above 100 ng/mLRisk of pituitary tumor

How to Reduce Prolactin Level Naturally Food – Products List

One of the main regulators of prolactin is dopamine. This substance is produced by the brain and is responsible for emotions, feelings, pleasure, pain, etc. It decreases due to stress, which in turn allows for an increase in prolactin. Thus, dopamine-producing drugs, supplements, and foods are used to treat hyperprolactinemia.

If the increase is insignificant, it may be corrected without strong medications. In this case, we recommend reviewing your lifestyle and including prolactin-lowering foods in your diet. By following a diet, you significantly improve your condition and reduce your hormone levels. The advantage of this method is that, unlike drug therapy, you can avoid the return of the syndrome by getting used to a new diet. 

Below, you may see what foods lower prolactin levels.

Food CategoryExamplesKey NutrientsHow It Works
LegumesSoybeans, lentils, beansVitamin B6, ZincSupports dopamine production, which inhibits prolactin.
Green and Leafy VegetablesCabbage, lettuce, asparagus, spinach, zucchiniMagnesium, Folate, AntioxidantsReduces oxidative stress and promotes hormonal balance.
FruitsOranges, mangoes, kiwi, bananas, pomegranatesVitamin C, Vitamin B6, AntioxidantsImproves dopamine synthesis and reduces cortisol levels.
Whole Grain ProductsWild rice, oatsFiber, Complex CarbohydratesStabilizes blood sugar, preventing hormonal imbalances.
Quality Meat and FishTurkey, salmon, tuna, shrimp, mackerel, lambOmega-3s, Zinc, ProteinReduces inflammation and supports dopamine activity.
EggsEggsCholine, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12Enhances dopamine production and hormone regulation.
CheeseHard and soft cheesesCalcium, Vitamin B6Reduces stress and supports dopamine synthesis.
Nuts, Seeds, FlaxAlmonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seedsHealthy Fats, Magnesium, ZincSupports hormonal balance and reduces excessive hormones.

How to Decrease Prolactin Levels in Female Naturally – Supplements List

In cases where a higher dose of the right substances is needed, food supplements and vitamins help. They contain a high concentration and allow you to cope with high levels faster than food. Here are the main supplements that help to overcome hyperprolactinemia.

Vitamin B6 

Experiments conducted on rats have shown that vitamin B6 deficiency increases a hormone in the blood.  It works the same way in humans. Thus, the vitamin helps to reduce the release of this hormone, which occurs after exercise. It also helps to minimize lactation when needed in the postpartum period. The course duration is usually limited to one month.

Vitamin E

Taking vitamin E to treat hyperprolactinemia is relevant for people with impaired renal function. Thus, a study in people with uremia showed a decrease when taking 300 mg of vitamin E per day. 

Mucuna herb 

Mucuna is a legume plant, commonly known as Velvet Bean, used in traditional medicine in India for thousands of years. The supplement increases the circulating dopamine and also suppresses the secretion of prolactin. 

Amino acid Tyrosine

The absence or low content of proteins in the diet leads to a deficiency of the amino acid tyrosine, which is a precursor to dopamine. A decrease in tyrosine levels leads to a reduction in dopamine, which stimulates the release of prolactin. It is worth noting that tyrosine should be taken only after a thyroid examination and a doctor’s consultation. 

Vitex Agnus-Castus

Vitex has been shown to help regulate levels by acting on the pituitary gland. It works by stimulating dopamine receptors, which in turn inhibit production. It is often used to treat conditions related to hormonal imbalances, such as irregular menstruation, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and hyperprolactinemia.

How to Reduce High Prolactin Levels Naturally – Tips for Your Lifestyle

Not only does food affect prolactin levels: but the hormone can be reduced by changing your lifestyle. This includes reducing stress, improving sleep patterns, and choosing moderate physical activity. Here are some habits that help bring hormones back to normal. 

natural ways to lower prolactin

Healthy Sleep 

 Sleep disturbances or lack of sleep reduce dopamine production and affect mental health in general. Good quality sleep (at least 8 hours a night) helps you restore your health and reduce prolactin levels naturally.

Avoid Alcohol 

Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages harms your fertility. This habit may be an impetus for the development of many pathologies. By eliminating alcohol from your diet, you get rid of concomitant diseases and block the excessive production of unwanted hormones. 

Engage in Calm Physical Activity 

Prolactin reacts negatively to physical activity and can increase significantly as a result of regular gym workouts. If you’re experiencing this problem, we recommend reducing your load and opting for gentle sports such as yoga or stretching. 

No More Stress 

Try to reduce stress and stay calm. If you are going through difficult periods, we recommend that you see a therapist to overcome mental problems. It will help to improve your overall health and fight the syndrome. 

How to Get Pregnant with High Prolactin Levels? 

If high levels remain constant and do not allow for normal ovulation, this leads to infertility. In this case, surrogacy is the best option for replenishing the family. It allows you to get a long-awaited baby without harming your health, both physical and mental. If you are considering this option, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can find a surrogate mother according to your parameters and ensure that the whole process goes smoothly.


To summarize, elevated prolactin levels are a fairly common disease that occurs in women and interferes with pregnancy. With timely diagnosis, hyperprolactinemia can be treated with special medications and even natural foods, supplements, and habits. After treatment, the menstrual cycle is usually restored, ovulation is regular, and a long-awaited pregnancy occurs. In more complicated cases, surrogacy may be used to obtain a baby. 

If you have any questions about finding a surrogate mother, the process, or other topics, please contact us. We are ready to guide you through all the complicated issues and help you realize your dream of becoming a parent. 

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