Jennifer Aniston IVF Story – Why The Star Doesn’t Have Children

Sep 24, 2024

For many years, Jennifer Aniston’s fans have been puzzled about the actress’s personal life. She has been credited with possible pregnancies, accused of giving up maternity for her career and rumored to have divorced Brad Pitt because of her unwillingness to have children. All doubts were dispelled when the star shared her “baby-making road” in 2022. Today, we will discuss Jennifer Aniston IVF journey and find out the details of her heartbreaking story.

Jennifer Aniston IVF Story - Why She Doesn’t Have Children

Jennifer Aniston IVF Journey

In 2022, the world was shocked by the actress’s candid interview for Allure magazine. Jennifer Aniston revealed that she had been trying to get pregnant for almost 20 years without success! The treatment lasted during her 30-40 years.

“My late 30s, 40s, I’d gone through really hard shit. I was trying to get pregnant.”

What did the celebrity have to go through on this path? She has problems with her reproductive system, so the actress tried to get pregnant through IVF. The star received hormonal treatment to stimulate egg growth and subsequent fertilization. The actress went through several rounds. Unfortunately, all of them were unsuccessful. 

“I was going through IVF, drinking Chinese teas, you name it. I was throwing everything at it”

The big problem she had to face was privacy. According to Aniston, she tried to keep this part of her life a secret. It was difficult because hormone therapy often results in weight gain, which fans can’t help but notice. In addition, her unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant took a toll on her morale and almost caused her to become depressed. 

At the time of Jennifer Aniston’s IVF Allure interview, the actress was 53. At that time, her attempts to become a mother were over.  

“I have zero regrets, I actually feel a little relief now because there is no more, ‘Can I? Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.’ I don’t have to think about that anymore.”

The actress marked the end of her journey with her famous confession to the press and a post on her Instagram account: “End of an era”.

Jennifer Aniston trying to get pregnant

Jennifer Aniston Failed IVF Reasons

Many fans are wondering why Jennifer Aniston IVF treatment did not result in a long-awaited pregnancy and the birth of a baby, like other celebrities e.g. Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian.

First of all, the actress hints at her age. Let’s imagine that she started the first course of therapy after age 35. Then, according to statistics, her chances of getting pregnant would be 25%. After 44 years, the probability of a successful program drops to 4%. Thus, even with a completely healthy reproductive system and the efforts of doctors, the chances of getting pregnant were quite small. 

egg retrieval and pregnancy success rate by number of eggs and age - statistics chart

Secondly, Aniston says her life was frantic: constant filming, career, stress. In such a lifestyle, a woman’s reproductive system suffers. This is what happened to the celebrity. So, the second reason for unsuccessful programs is concomitant disorders that prevent the onset of ovulation and the long-awaited pregnancy. 

The advice that the star would like to give to herself and all women is to freeze eggs for the future. This procedure helps to preserve healthy eggs capable of fertilization at a time when it is convenient.

“I would’ve given anything if someone had said to me, ‘Freeze your eggs. Do yourself a favor.’ You just don’t think it. So here I am today. The ship has sailed.”

Jennifer Aniston Pregnant IVF and Her Ex-Husbands

Jennifer Aniston was married twice. Her family life with Brad Pitt lasted 5 years (2000-2005). Then, the actress married Justin Theroux, with whom she lived for 3 years (2015-2018). In none of her marriages did Aniston manage to become a mother. It gave rise to rumors that the couples were breaking up because they were unwilling or unable to have children. 

The celebrity reacts sharply to such gossip. For the first time, she spoke about it in her post on HuffPost in 2016. The actress criticized the media for body-shaming and attributing pregnancy to her “every time my body is changing and/or I had a burger for lunch.” Aniston said that she is complete without a child, and it is normal for her and her husband. 

“Every day, my husband and I are harassed by dozens of aggressive photographers staked outside our home who will go to shocking lengths to obtain any kind of photo, even if it means endangering us or the unlucky pedestrians who happen to be nearby. I am not pregnant. What I am is fed up. I’m fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body shaming that occurs daily…We are complete with or without a mate, with or without a child. We get to decide for ourselves what is beautiful when it comes to our bodies.”

For the second time, the actress spoke about the rumors in a big interview. She once again emphasized that her divorces were not due to the absence of children.

“And the reason my husband left me, why we broke up and ended our marriage, was because I wouldn’t give him a kid. It was absolute lies. I don’t have anything to hide at this point.”

Jennifer Aniston Pregnant IVF and Her Ex-Husband Brad Pitt

Jennifer Aniston and IVF – I Have No Regrets

Summarizing her story, Jennifer Aniston says she has no regrets about the years trying to become a mother. She did her best, and now she has nothing to regret. In addition, thanks to such trials of fate, the star has become even stronger and can direct her energy into creativity and career advancement.

“I have zero regrets. I’d gone through really hard shit, and if it wasn’t for going through that, I would’ve never become who I was meant to be.”


How old was Jennifer Aniston when she did IVF?

The star began trying to become a mother after the age of 30. Her IVF cycles lasted until she was 53.

Why does Jennifer Aniston not have children?

For many years, the media assumed that the actress did not have children because of her career. However, in reality, she is unable to give birth due to health problems and was unsuccessful even with IVF.

Did Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux try to have a baby?

Yes, they did. The actress and her husband tried to conceive a child through IVF. However, all attempts were unsuccessful. According to one of the publications, once the star did get pregnant, but had a miscarriage in the second month. Aniston does not comment on this information, as she wishes to remain private.

Wrapping Up

As a result, Jennifer Aniston IVF is a truly heartbreaking story about the inability to get pregnant even after years of trying. Although modern reproductive medicine helps to supplement families, there are cases when it does not work. The main reasons for failure are diseases of the reproductive system and age. However, this is not a reason to be upset. Despite Aniston’s failure, there are many positive cases where women managed to give birth to a long-awaited baby.

If you are also thinking about IVF and have questions about the program, do not hesitate to contact us. Our specialists are ready to consult and find the best treatment for your case. Now is the right time to fulfill your dream of expanding your family!

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